
ResCare Community Living caregiver receives national award

Pictured from left, Sam Thompson, Peggy West, and Sherry Werkin pose with their national awards.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — ResCare Community Living celebrated local caregiver Peggy West on Thursday.

West, of Blaine, was recognized with Ohio’s 2024 Direct Support Professional of the Year award. The award was given by the American Network of Community Options and Resources in New Mexico. The celebration took place at Undo’s West, and also celebrated two local caregivers who were nominated for national awards – Sam Thompson and Sherry Werkin, who are both direct support professionals at ResCare Community Living.

The honors were given Thursday by Executive Director Rebecca Birch and HR Generalist Brian Breyer.

While speaking about Thompson and Werkin, Birch said, “Sam Thompson is just super reliable for us. He is cross-trained in several homes so he knows a lot of the individuals and is always willing to help out. Sherry Werkin, who works in the Harrison County area, has a decade of experience, just again has a really strong relationship with the individuals, and she loves what she does.

“The individuals are so lucky to have you. You’re reliable, the individuals like you, and you’re just truly a good leader in that house,” Birch said while congratulating West for her award.

According to Birch, during the nomination process, they had to mention several specific reasons as to why West should receive the award.

“One of the reasons is she does a very person-centered approach with the individuals,” Birch said. “She’s got a very personal relationship with them, to where we have individuals who can’t speak and she’s able to find ways to communicate with them and help them have relationships with their housemates.”

West, who has more than 40 years of experience with ResCare, spoke briefly. She thanked everyone in attendance for their support.

“I was really surprised and really glad,” West said while accepting the award. “It’s a great pleasure and when I’m there I give 100%.”

She said that she tries to always be there for not only the individuals in the community living setting but the staff she works alongside as well.

“I just really appreciate everybody, and it’s nice to recognize them because they work very hard every day and it isn’t easy work,” Birch said while praising the ResCare Community Living staff.

Breyer ended the ceremony by speaking about how every morning the staff receives an email called Community Living News from the company’s president, noting that West was featured on its front page.

ResCare Community Living is a nationwide provider that has offered services to individuals with developmental disabilities from ages 12 -84 since 1974.


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