WPD announces Wellness Weekend traffic information

File Photo Runners take off at the start of the 2023 Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic.
WHEELING — With the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend presented by WVU Medicine bringing thousands into downtown Wheeling on Saturday and Sunday, the Wheeling Police Department is reminding those traveling into downtown and around the rest of the city on those days to watch out for both participants and spectators.
The Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic Run and Walk, Ogden 5K Run and Walk presented by WVU Medicine Children’s, the Ogden Fun Run presented by WVU Medicine Children’s and Tiny Tot Trot presented by WVU Medicine Children’s all will take place Saturday. The half marathon will utilize roads in neighborhoods throughout the city and will begin at 7:15 a.m. Saturday and wrap up around 11 a.m.
The half marathon course will be changed slightly due to construction downtown and in Elm Grove. The course will use parts of 14th Street, Jacob Street and 16th Street in downtown. The race also will extend into 39th Street in South Wheeling.
Due to the Monument Place Bridge closure in Elm Grove, the course will use Evelyn Avenue and Junior Avenue. Residents in the Hil-Dar neighborhood will have limited access on Saturday morning and must enter and exit via National Road.
On Friday in the Fulton area, city operations will sweep National Road from Mount de Chantal Road to McColloch Street from 7 a.m. until around 11 a.m. This area will be marked with signage. Once completed, motorists can park on the road. Parking is permitted all day and evening Friday throughout the entire course.
On Saturday, police will be clearing the course of any vehicle parked in a posted “No Parking” area after 12:01 a.m. Vehicles will be towed if not properly moved in time for the race. These areas will be marked with signage.
“No Parking” areas that will be strictly enforced are the Elm Grove Business District, Fulton area, parts of Downtown, and Center/South Wheeling.
Parking will be permitted once the race fully concludes late Saturday morning.
OVRTA’s downtown bus stop on Nailers Way will relocate Saturday morning to Eoff Street between 16th and 17th Street.
Participants and spectators gathering at the start/finish line downtown are strongly encouraged to park in the Robert C. Byrd Intermodal Transportation Center, located at 1401 Main Street. Access will only be available from the Main Street entrance.
Police advise not traveling along the race route unless needed, but those who must are urged to drive below the posted speed limit and be extra cautious of those running or walking. Wheeling Police officers will be stationed at most major intersections for traffic control. Drivers are advised to watch for coned-off lanes in various areas and look for participants on the right side of the road.
On Sunday, there will be various road closures and minor traffic delays in the downtown/Center Wheeling area for the Tough as Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan. Events will begin around noon and last until roughly 5 p.m.