
Barnesville Hospital celebrates new helipad

BARNESVILLE — Leaders from WVU Medicine Barnesville Hospital, HealthNet Aeromedical Services and the village of Barnesville gathered to cut the ribbon on a new helipad for critical care transport at the Barnesville Hospital campus Thursday.

The helipad will enhance emergency services and increase the hospital’s ability to care for critically ill patients, better serving area communities.

The helipad is located directly behind the hospital a short distance from the Emergency Department entrance.

“The helipad is a valuable addition to Barnesville Hospital and a visible indication of progress as we continue to search for ways to grow and improve healthcare in Barnesville and the surrounding communities,” David Hacker, vice president of operations for Barnesville Hospital, said. “The decision to relocate the helipad from the Barnesville-Bradfield Airport was made to better assist critically ill patients when they need us most.”

HealthNet Aeromedical Services will provide the air transport service to Barnesville. For more than 35 years, HealthNet has provided high quality critical care transport to Central Appalachia, supporting WVU Medicine and the Ohio Valley area.

“We are thrilled to expand our partnership with Barnesville Hospital,” Clinton Burley, president and CEO of HealthNet Aeromedical Services, said. “The addition of this new helipad will enhance the delivery of critical care transport services in the Ohio Valley and ultimately save lives.”

For more information, visit WVUMedicine.org/Barnesville.


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