
Belmont County aims to take out the trash

Belmont County Sheriff Dave Lucas thanks J.B. Green Team and the Belmont County commissioners for their support of the litter control program.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The Belmont County Sheriff’s Department recently named Deputy Logan Havas as its new litter control officer.

The litter control officer is part of the litter control program that is accomplished through a contract between the Belmont County Sheriff’s Department and J.B. Green Team, aka the Jefferson-Belmont Regional Solid Waste Authority.

The litter control officer works 40 hours a week in a position that solely focuses on litter.

“Deputy Havas will be working closely with all of the (township) trustees, like the previous officers,” Sheriff Dave Lucas said. “With the thanks of the J.B. Green Team, we’re able to get out there to make our community look better. One thing is, we want to draw people here, business and everything like that, and they’re not going to come here if our county looks bad.”

Lucas also said that J.B. Green Team pays for everything involved in the litter control program. It pays for Havas’ work truck and gas, as well as reimbursing the Belmont County Sheriff’s Department for Havas’ entire salary.

“It’s a very good program. It’s very important, and we’re thankful that they are continuing their contract,” Lucas said.

Belmont County Commissioner Jerry Echemann is a member of the J.B. Green Team board. He said that J.B. Green Team does the litter control program in Jefferson County as well.

“It’s a challenge, because it is hard to get into court with convictions and things like that. It is a difficult thing, but people do from time to time get taken to court,” Echemann said. “We really like to work with the trustees in regards to the counties and dump sites. It’s sad. We’ve probably all seen it at times where someone will just go out at night time and dump off a sofa or a mattress or whatever. Our thing is, if we can find them and prove it, we are going to go to the prosecutor and hopefully get charges,” Lucas said.

Havas started his career in law enforcement in 2018 working for the Barnesville Police Department. He transferred to the Belmont County Sheriff’s Department in 2020, where he has worked as a deputy. He recently took the job of litter control officer when the former one transferred to a new position.

“I believe it’s very important for this county and getting the organization in like that to where they can help me out,” Havas said.

Echemann asked Havas if even though he is a full-time litter control officer, if there is an emergency would he be able to assist other officers.

“Yes,” Havas replied. “I was fielding calls yesterday, so it’s almost like I got two jobs pretty much.”

“This is a really good program and if it wasn’t for J.B. Green and their support and backing, because we all know it comes down to the dollar on everything, and I just want to thank the commissioners for their support and J.B. Green for doing a fine job in helping us make Belmont County better,” Lucas concluded.


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