
Heritage Days comes to Flushing

FLUSHING — The Flushing Business Association is celebrating its community this Saturday with Heritage Days activities at Schuler Park.

The event features a Lil Hustlers Tractor Pull along with a host of food options and other activities.

A flea market and craft show, an auction and a 50/50 drawing are among the activities to be enjoyed during the one-day festival, while the nearby Zion Retreat RV Park will be open for camping and zip lining.

Barbecue chicken dinners, sandwiches, soft drinks and Kirke’s Homemade Ice Cream will also be available for purchase.

Sandy Twarog and Chuck Nucci, who both serve on village council as well as the Flushing Business Association, said they have been focusing on having more events at the village’s spacious Schuler Park, which lies on acres of rolling hills on the southern edge of the village along Ohio 149.

The tractor pull will begin at 1 p.m with weigh-ins starting at noon. Those planning to attend are encouraged to bring lawn chairs so they can relax and comfortably enjoy the various festivities.


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