
Infrastructure help offered to communities

BRILLIANT — The village of Brilliant received a major infrastructure boost last week —  a $2,648,100 grant for an ongoing water project.

The funding, part of the sixth round of the Ohio BUILDS (Broadband, Utilities and Infrastructure for Local Development Success) Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Grant Program, will allow Brilliant to “complete waterline replacement and fire hydrant upgrades to several areas within the community.”

The project will benefit 1,192 people.

Also sharing in the $122.7 million in funding were:

∫ The village of Empire, $184,898 in gap funding to complete improvements to the local wastewater facility. Empire previously received WWIG funding to install a generator as part of its wastewater facility improvements, but construction costs have risen. The additional funding will allow the village to cover the gap on the cost of the project, benefiting 232 people.

∫ Stratton, $117,949 in gap funding to complete its storm water pump station project, a project that will benefit 494 people. The village had received WWIG funding for the project in June 2023, but construction costs, as well as charges for professional and administrative services, have increased. In addition to securing a private loan to ensure completion of the project, the village recently increased water and sewer rates for the first time in 43 years.

∫ The Harrison County commissioners will receive $2,353,119 in gap funding to construct a sanitary sewer collection and treatment system in the village of Freeport.

∫ Hopedale will receive $127,597 in gap funding to replace the village water tanks.

Statewide, $84.5 million was awarded in support of 43 new critical infrastructure projects and $38.2 million in gap funding for 33 previously funded projects that encountered costs exceeding initial estimates.

In announcing the awards, Gov. Mike DeWine, Lt. Gov. Jon Husted and Ohio Department of Development Director Lydia Mihalik said the funding would “help reduce or eliminate the financial burden community leaders face in addressing critical infrastructure needs such as new water distribution systems, waterline extensions, water tower replacements and new pipes and water mains.”

Grants will fund projects to replace sanitary sewer systems, prevent sewer system backups and extend sewer lines to support economic growth.


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