
Belmont County therapy dog Jersey raising money

Belmont County Courthouse therapy dog Jersey spends time with her owner and handler, sheriff’s Deputy Jennifer Yuhase, on the steps of the Belmont County Heritage Museum in St. Clairsville.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Jersey, the Belmont County Courthouse’s therapy dog is seeking financial support for her annual expenses.

“Jersey works with victims and persons who are stressed,” Belmont County sheriff’s Deputy Jennifer Yuhase, Jersey’s handler, said. “A lot of courthouse situations are stressful and emotional. And testifying against an accuser or a divorce where nobody gets along, she acts as a mood equalizer. She kind of brings the tensions down and makes everybody smile.”

Yuhase and Jersey are selling T-shirts, hoodies and large and regular-sized can koozies. The shirts cost $20, the hoodies $30 and the koozies $5. The shirts and hoodies are available in sizes small through extra large with an upcharge of $2 for XXL and a $3 upcharge for XXXL. St. Clairsville’s own Lakeside Creations designs and prints the products.

Depicted on the shirts, hoodies and koozies is a photo of Jersey with a Belmont County Sheriff’s Department bandana around her neck and an American flag behind her.

The fundraiser is to help alleviate some of the costs of providing the care Jersey does.

“We are having the fundraiser for Jersey because she is her own entity,” Yuhase said. “We don’t ask for help from the county. We asked for her to be the therapy dog and she’s permitted to be our therapy dog, but she’s owned and handled by me.”

Belmont County sheriff’s Deputy Rick Planey approached Yuhase with the idea of doing a T-shirt sale to help pay for the food and supplies it takes for Jersey to continue to be a therapy dog.

“He kind of spearheaded getting the design and the logo made and surprised me with it, which was a nice surprise,” Yuhase said.

She added that the money raised from the fundraiser will go toward dog food, veterinarian bills, continued training, toys, future harnesses, etc.

As a therapy dog, Jersey has to complete a yearly recertification through the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. Proceeds from the fundraiser will also go toward paying for that as well as for gasoline to travel to the evaluation.

To purchase any of the items for the fundraiser, either go to Jersey’s Facebook page — Jersey the Therapy K-9 with BCSO — or go to the Belmont County Courthouse to fill out an order form. You can also call the front desk’s direct line at 740-699-2587.

“Jersey will be 6 on August 23, and we are just so happy that the community has accepted her and loves her for who she is and what she does,” Yuhase said.


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