
Food to be collected for Thanksgiving dinner

Photo Provided Tricia Goode from Capes & Tiaras Fantasy Birthday Parties & Banquet Hall will be having her first Thanksgiving food drive at the banquet hall after participating in other types of donation drives, such as a Toy & Clothing drive.

BELLAIRE — The community can donate non-perishable foods to Capes & Tiaras Fantasy Birthday Parties & Banquet Hall this weekend that will be donated for families to help them have a Thanksgiving dinner.

From 9 a.m. to noon Saturday and Sunday, people can bring different foods, such as boxes of stuffing, canned vegetables and soups, to Capes & Tiaras Fantasy Birthday Parties & Banquet Hall at 527 44th St, Bellaire.

Tricia Goode from Capes & Tiaras said she enjoys helping people out and has done so since she was a little girl.

“I just think it’s important to help people that are in need, especially with the way the economy is,” she said. “It’s harder for people to get food. It’ll just be helpful.”

Goode said she likes to help out where she can and has participated in other donation drives in the past. But she decided to have her first one for Thanksgiving to help out more. She said it wouldn’t hurt, even if other agencies are having food drives as well.

Once people donate food, Goode said she will see how much is collected and where it’s needed most. After being a part of Ignite Hope, Goode said she’s learned more about the Ohio Valley, including what the House of Carpenter in Wheeling and the YMCA do and the programs they offer for people who need help.

Goode said she’s worked with both agencies before and will probably be donating the food to them to distribute to their clients. The House of Carpenter is a charity located on Wheeling Island and affiliated with the West Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church that offers services, such as a thrift store and food pantry.

“I just want to see the community be supportive of people in their area,” she said. “I would think it’s great when the community comes together to show their support for people, and it seems like we’ve been a good area for that.”


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