
Belmont County DJFS passes replacement levy

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Belmont County Department of Job and Family Services successfully passed its replacement levy Tuesday.

The levy is a replacement of the existing 0.65-mill levy with a reduction of 0.20 mills to constitute 0.45 mills to provide support to Children Services and the children of Belmont County. The new reduced levy will cost taxpayers $15.75 annually for each $100,000 of the county auditor’s appraised value of their property.

Unofficial vote totals reported by the Belmont County Board of Elections late Tuesday state that the levy was passed with a total of 16,934 votes in favor and 12,505 opposed.

When Belmont County Job and Family Services Director Jeff Felton spoke about the reduced levy, he said although there would be a reduction in funds going toward DJFS there would not be a reduction of quality in the work it provides.

“I’m very happy and appreciative of the voters and that they supported this levy,” Felton said.

He added that Belmont County DJFS is fortunate that residents have continued to support it over the years, which enables Felton and his staff to be able to provide high-quality services to the children of Belmont County.

“We’re obviously very excited and humbled by the support of Belmont County residents,” Belmont County Job and Family Fiscal Advisor Jack Regis Jr. “Unfortunately it’s a service that has to be provided because of child abuse and neglect. The community has always supported the children in the past, and we were cautiously optimistic that they would support us again and now we are extremely grateful that they have.”


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