
Fisher reelected as Belmont County coroner

Photo Provided Belmont County Coroner Amanda Fisher has a pajama party celebration with her children Luke, 8, and Lydia, 6, at their home after hearing the news that Fisher won reelection.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Belmont County Coroner Amanda Fisher won the only contested race in Belmont County on Tuesday by a wide margin.

According to unofficial vote totals reported by the Belmont County Board of Elections on Tuesday night, voters supported Fisher with 21,781 votes. That compares to 5,455 votes for former Belmont County coroner Troy Balgo.

First elected in 2020, the Barnesville resident and current coroner graduated from Union Local in 2003 and is a doctor of chiropractic and a certified chiropractic sports physician. She graduated from Northeast College of Health Sciences in 2011 and has been practicing in Belmont County since 2013.

Fisher and her husband Lance live on a family farm in the Barnesville area with their two children, Luke who is 8, and Lydia who is 6. She said that she would not be able to accomplish any of the things she’s achieved without the support of her family.

“I have a rockstar husband,” Fisher said. “And I honestly think my kids are proud of their mom. At least I’m hoping that they see Mom has multiple roles and multiple jobs and they don’t really know anything different because when I first started in this term, they were 3 and 4.”

During her first term, she started working with multiple high schools and the Belmont County Concentrated Conduct Adjustment Program, or C-CAP, to host presentations on the dangers of fentanyl and how it’s mixed with other drugs that teenagers may not think it would be mixed with. She said she also tried to become a bridge between mental health services and people whose loved ones recently died.

“I am honored and grateful to each and every one of you who voted for me to continue serving as your county coroner. Your trust and support mean more to me than words can fully express, and I am humbled by the faith you have placed in me for a second term,” Fisher said. “Serving our community in this role is a privilege that I hold with great respect and dedication. I am committed to handling each case with compassion, diligence, empathy and integrity, always prioritizing the needs and well-being of our community. Moving forward, I promise to continue advocating for the highest standards in our coroner’s office, to uphold transparency, and to ensure that every person receives the care and respect they deserve.”

She added, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your confidence in me. Here’s to continuing our work together, standing strong for one another, and building a safer, healthier community.”


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