
Wheeler earns Dispatcher of the Year honor

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Ohio State Highway Patrol Dispatcher Kali Wheeler of the St. Clairsville Post earned district-wide honors as the 2024 Dispatcher of the Year.

She was selected from three District Dispatch Centers within the Cambridge District.

“Her calm demeanor, positive attitude, and commitment to service distinguished her from the nominees,” the patrol noted in a press release. “Our communication professionals are vital to the patrol’s operations and are often the public’s first point of contact when the need arises. “Dispatcher Wheeler has demonstrated enthusiasm, dedication, and awareness in her day-to-day work activities as she interacts with the public and her peers. Dispatcher Wheeler’s technical knowledge, abilities, and work attitude, combined with her attributes, demonstrate an accomplished ethical individual dedicated to the Division and public service.”

Wheeler started her career with the Ohio State Highway Patrol on March 27, 2023, as a dispatcher for the St. Clairsville post. After being recognized at the district level, she is now in contention for the State Dispatcher of the Year award, which will be announced at a later date.

Wheeler was named Dispatcher of the Year for the St. Clairsville post earlier this year.

Wheeler is originally from Cambridge and graduated from Cambridge High School in 2021 and is a 2021 graduate of Mid-East Career of Technology Center with a degree in animal care and veterinary assistant. She resides in Cambridge.

Also recognized at the St. Clairsville post was Trooper Dan Moran, who was named the posts’s Trooper of the Year.

Moran, 56, was selected in recognition of what the post termed “outstanding service” during 2024. His fellow officers at the post chose Moran based on his leadership abilities, professional ethics, courteous treatment of others, enthusiastic work attitude and cooperation with supervisors, peers and the public.

Moran received this award in 2016 as well. He is originally from Wolfhurst and graduated from St. John Central High School in 1987 and attended Kent State University for criminal justice, where he graduated in 1992. He joined the 129th OSHP Academy class in May 1997 and was appointed to the Granville Post, where he worked for 17 years. He transferred to the St. Clairsville Post in July 2014.

He resides in St. Clairsville with his wife, Jennifer and two children, Aiden and Makenna.

Staff Writer Josie Burkhart contributed to this report.


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