
Library seeks community engagement on project

T-L Photo/GAGE VOTA St. Clairsville Public Library officials meet with Nan Weir from Williams Architects at the library’s open house. From left are library Trustee Melinda Thompson, Weir, future trustee Tom Flynn, library Director Jo Papillo, Trustee Denis Zatezalo, board of trustees Secretary Jason Garczyk and board President Tom Murphy.

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — The St. Clairsville Public Library hosted an open house Tuesday to inform residents of its ​​renovation plans.

“We’re here today getting some public engagement and showing everyone what the plans are for our renovations, which we are hoping to be upcoming in the fall of 2025,” library Director Jo Papillo said. “We’re basically just having folks come in and vote for what they think are the most high priority areas that they would like to see us renovate.”

Recently the library received a $300,000 donation from the Mobley Family Trust, which Papillo said will be used to renovate the community center in the library’s basement.

“Our individual donors have been amazing. We just got our most recent donation of $300,000 from the Mobley family, which was a St. Clairsville family that I think that they have moved out since but they lived here for a long time,” Papillo said.

The project’s fundraising goal is $6 million. It has roughly $1.7 million raised, which Papillo believes will be enough to begin phase one of the renovation. She added that she hopes phase two will begin as soon as the first phase is complete, but the library still has some fundraising to do before it can afford the second phase.

“We’re going to try and stay open as much as feasibly possible. Our goal is to not have any closures, but there may be an off day or two depending on if either exit will be affected because we need to have two exits — an entrance and an exit,” she said.

She added that the goal is to have the project completed by spring 2026. She said the library hired Williams Architecture, which is working on schematics, designs and plans to be opening bids on the project in early fall 2025.

Phase one will be the renovation of the Milinda Newman Study Room, located on the third floor, and the renovation of the community center.

During the event Tuesday, there was a board displayed that asked attendees what they believe is needed for the second phase. The options were a large multipurpose community and youth program room, quiet and group study rooms, a teen space, revitalizing the historic lobby, youth early literacy and play area, parent and child seating area, or a technology area. Papillo said the library will consider attendees’ vote regarding what areas will be renovated during the second phase.

In addition to the donations, Papillo said she is working toward securing grants to help reach the $6 million goal.

“We want to give our endearing thanks for all of the support. If it weren’t for our taxpayers voting for our levy and being so supportive of the library’s mission and all of our individual donors who have been so generous, then we wouldn’t be here,” Papillo said.

According to a statement released by the library, “Public libraries in Ohio are funded primarily through a combination of state and local funding with the largest source being the Public Library Fund,” which generally covers operational expenses.

According to ohio.gov, “The Public Library Fund (PLF), formerly known as the Library and Local Government Support Fund, was created by the General Assembly in 1985 as part of a broader effort to phase out the intangible personal property tax. The fund was designed to offset the loss of revenue from the intangibles tax, then a key source of revenue for local libraries, by directing a share of state income tax collections to a fund established in each county. In turn, county officials distribute the revenue from that county fund to libraries and local governments.

The PLF was reorganized and renamed under the 127th General Assembly; the name of the state fund was changed from the Library and Local Government Support Fund to the Public Library Fund.”

The St. Clairsville Public Library serves 16,400 people in the St. Clairsville-Richland Township district and is located at 108 W. Main St. in downtown St. Clairsville. The library is open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday-Friday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and can be reached at 740-695-2062 or stclibrary.org.


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