
SLIDESHOW: Overnight fire spreads to 3 Martins Ferry homes

|Photo by Niamh Coomey| Houses on Grant Avenue in Martins Ferry were destroyed in an overnight fire.
|Photo by Niamh Coomey| Houses on Grant Avenue in Martins Ferry were destroyed in an overnight fire.
|Photo by Niamh Coomey| Houses on Grant Avenue in Martins Ferry were destroyed in an overnight fire.

MARTINS FERRY — A structure fire that ultimately spread to three homes happened early Tuesday in Martins Ferry.

Belmont County fire officials reported that the blaze, located on Grant Avenue, was underway between 2 and 3 a.m. the exact address is not yet clear, but officials said it occurred near the Dollar Tree store.

Several local fire departments were on scene throughout the early morning. Some returned later to extinguish flames that rekindled.

For more details, follow this story as it unfolds at timesleaderonline.com.


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