

Barnesville council eyes waterline extension project

Local News

BARNESVILLE — Village leaders recently learned that a long-desired project to extend a waterline from Barnesville to nearby communities could be realized. Pam Ewing, representing the Rural Community Assistance Partnership, or RCAP, addressed council during its Jan. 27 meeting, saying she ...

EGCC foundation to continue scholarships under new name

Local News

The president of the Eastern Gateway Community College Foundation said Friday its members haven’t given up hope another educational institution will step in to fill the void left by the college’s dissolution. Until that happens, however, Foundation President Scott Campbell said they’ll ...

Inclusion on Ice skates to success

Local News

WHEELING — People of all ability levels were able to enjoy an afternoon on the ice Sunday, as the fourth-annual Inclusion on Ice event allowed skaters to glide along the Wheeling Park Ice Rink in a safe, inclusive environment. The Augusta Levy Learning Center, Easterseals Rehabilitation ...

Property taxes hit the roof

Local News

ST. CLAIRSVILLE — Belmont County Auditor Cindi Henry understands why residents are concerned about their property tax bills, and she and her staff are ready to help them seek relief. Henry acknowledged that some residents’ tax bills for the first half of the year are much higher than they ...

Autopsy set in Martins Ferry death

Local News

MARTINS FERRY — Belmont County Coroner Dr. Amanda Fisher ordered an autopsy of an individual who died Thursday afternoon on Delia Avenue in Martins Ferry. Fisher is not performing the autopsy herself, but she did determine that an autopsy was necessary. She said all autopsies related to ...

Only six candidates seeking office in Belmont County

Local News

MARTINS FERRY — Only six Eastern Ohio candidates met Wednesday’s deadline to seek their party’s nomination for office in the May 6 primary election. All six candidates sought to have their names placed on the ballot in Belmont County. No candidates filed to seek nominations in ...