
Happy Mother’s Day to all

TODAY IS the day in which motherhood is celebrated.

Many have spent hours wandering up and down aisles of cards, looking through racks of items in department stores and browsing the web for the perfect way to honor mom.

The powers that drive commerce show us images of the perfect mom – dressed impeccably, spotless house, model-like figure with a passel of kids who are equally well-heeled.

While I am sure that mother exists somewhere, personally, I have yet to run across her at the supermarket – probably because I’m there running around like a maniac trying to find the kids’ favorite cereal while she is in the produce section seeking out organic pomegranates to make her own juice!

Needless to say, the “perfect” mom and I don’t run in the same circles.

Most mothers I know spend their time working their tails off from sun up to sun down – at home, at the office and, more often than not, at both places.

They work to get the kids off to school, the house cleaned and laundry done. They work at their chosen profession to provide for aforementioned children. They work at keeping themselves and their families healthy and attempt to be all things to all the people in their lives.

They have been known to show up for meetings with spit-up on their shoulders and have been seen in the car pool line at school wearing pajamas and sunglasses after having spent the night sewing a costume for the school play. They read magazines that tell them to slow down while they are working out on the treadmill and before the oven signals the cookies for the Girl Scout meeting are done.

Today, I would like to pay tribute to the moms I know who may or may not fit into that “perfect” category …

Here’s to the mothers of newborns – sleepless nights and a blur of days are a fair trade off for having the privilege of seeing your little one smile in his sleep and to hold that tiny hand in yours. Remember, regular showers are for wimps!

Here’s to the mothers of toddlers – you may be able to sleep through the night as your little one does but you’ll need the energy to keep up with that small person who is exploring the world at break-neck speed. Keep juice boxes nearby and count it as a win every morning when you make it out of the house wearing clothes that match.

Here’s to the mothers of pre-schoolers – these are the kids that keep you on your toes. The questions never end and the word “why” seems to be one of their favorites! Bubbles, chalk and craft supplies are life-savers and these moms know clean cars are highly overrated.

Here’s to the mothers of grade-schoolers – these dynamos seem to learn something new each week. As they race off to kindergarten, moms dab at tears and try to be brave. Evenings will soon be filled with spelling words and science projects. Bone up on geography and learn how to make igloos out of sugar cubes and tepees out of pretzel sticks and fruit leather.

Here’s to the mothers of middle-schoolers – suddenly the little people are becoming independent. Teen years are on the horizon and parents – once the smartest people on the planet – now are dumber than hoe-handles. Parents are embarrassment. Personally, I revel in playing the embarrassing parent. A little tip: pulling up to get the kid from a middle school dance blasting the soundtrack to “Miami Vice” is mortifying to a 12-year-old. And, I have it on cassette tape if anyone needs to borrow it!

Here’s to the mothers of teenagers – these years are fraught with equal parts joy and sadness. Joy at seeing your babe come into their own and sadness at not being needed for much. College and life on their own loom large. Keep gas money handy and make them kiss you before they leave the house.

Cherish each moment because they fly by in a blur of diapers, building blocks, toy cars, refrigerator art, musical instruments, prom dresses and driver’s licenses.

Being that image of “perfect” is highly overrated. “Perfect” comes from years of loving and nurturing a child not making gourmet brownies and having a spotless home. Each mom is “perfect” in her own imperfections – just like the artwork made by little hands that will hang, has hung and may still hang on the fridge of moms everywhere.

Happy Mother’s Day to all!

Graham can be reached at tgraham@timesleaderonline.com.


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