
St. C. named one of Ohio’s five best

ST. CLAIRSVILLE is a scenic community whose residents possess a great amount of hometown pride.

St. C. is also getting some statewide props. Rather impressive ones.

Ohio Magazine’s Best Hometown issue hits the newsstands in November. St. Clairsville has earned the lofty designation as one of the Buckeye State’s five best hometowns.

That is a huge honor for the hilltop community.

According to magazine officials, St. Clairsville earned that distinction “because it embodies the qualities and characteristics that make Ohio hometowns so special: Friendly residents, a strong downtown district and an amazing sense of community.”

St. C. definitely possesses those.

The magazine added that “St. Clairsville’s welcoming atmosphere, abundance of nearby opportunities for outdoor recreation and attractive neighborhoods create the type of place that residents are proud to call home.”

The magazine picks the winners after a nomination process and site visits.The nominees were evaluated in six categories: Community spirit, education, entertainment, health and safety, business environment and culture and heritage.

St. Clairsville will be featured in the November, January and July editions of the magazine. The other four winners were Defiance, Madeira, Lakewood and Westerville.


EAST OHIO Regional Hospital — in conjunction with the Martins Ferry Chamber of Commerce — hosted a Business After Hours on Tuesday. It was well attended. The featured speaker was Matt Appenzeller, executive director of the Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance. He detailed the benefits the association could offer Martins Ferry Chamber members.

LAST SUNDAY’S Times Leader E-poll question was: Should Steubenville’s M’alik Richmond be allowed to play for the Big Red this year. The results had 79 percent voting no. Voter response was unusually heavy.

THE TERRORIST group ISIS concerns me. President Obama needs to authorize massive bombings of ISIS training camps in Syria. Otherwise, ISIS will be free to spread its terror.

MEADOWBROOK HIGH School’s gym received a major facelift this summer. The work was done by noted Barn Artist Scott Hagan. He lives in the New Castle-Jerusalem area, near the Belmont-Monroe County line.

THE OHIO Treasurer’s Office will hold a constituent “open house” in St. Clairsville where a representative will be available to provide information and educational resources to the public. Area residents can bring questions on state government and the treasurer’s office will be available to provide constituent assistance. The open house will take place Wednesday from 2-3:30 p.m. at Panera Bread on Mall Road.

THE?BELLAIRE IAC will hold a meeting at the club on Belmont Street on Saturday, Sept. 13 at 2 p.m. All members in good standing are invited.

I FEEL no remorse for Cleveland Browns wide receiver Josh Gordon and his one-year drug suspension. I know the testing results were disputed but if you stay away from smoking dope you have no testing problems.

WEEK ONE of high school football is in the books. The season is going much too quickly. We need more Thursday night prep games in the Ohio Valley.

THE MARTINS Ferry Police Department took part in an OVI Checkpoint last Saturday. The Ferry officers stopped 282 cars, diverting eight of those. Three citations were issued for driving under suspension and two for OVI. One arrest was made for heroin possession.

JOHN MAGISTRO got his season off to an impressive start Friday night as his Westerville Central charges defeated Columbus DeSales, 21-17. The former Bellaire High coaching great and St. John Central grad will take is Warhawks on the road again Friday to face 1-0 New Albany.

THE ICE Bucket Challenge is a national craze. I was challenged last week by a co-worker. I have secured the services of Martins Ferry Police John McFarland to douse me at a time and venue of his choice.

Kapral may be reached at bkapral@timesleaderonline.com


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