
Putting a stop to all types of bullying

A few months ago, I was honored to be asked to be a part of a youth organization that helps build good character in boys and girls.

They later informed me that I would not be allowed to serve unless I took some class on how to work with youth, how to treat youth, how to handle youth.

At first, I felt a little insulted by the suggestion that I need some class on how to work with youth.

I have been working with youth ever since I been a youth. I was a youth leader, youth pastor, youth minister and senior pastor overseeing youth programs for over 40 years now. I am blessed to be the founder of a youth ministry, the North Wheeling Youth Center.

Why do I need class on working with youth?

I think I am qualified to write a book on working with youth.

That did not seem to change their mind that I was required to take the class on working with youth.

After taking the class I was glad they did make me take the class.

Truth is, no matter what you think you know, there is always more to learn. I am now convinced that the only one that knows everything is God.

If you are not God, like I am not God, then there is something you can still learn. No matter how many degrees you may have, no one knows everything but God.

The classes were on recognizing abuse, neglect, bullying, emotional abuse, explosion of violence and its causes, physical and sexual abuse.

Sadly, most abuse is by parents or close relatives and friends.

They introduced me to a new word. The word was, “polyvictimization.”

It can be defined as having an experience of multiple victimizations of different kinds, such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, bullying, and exposure to family violence.

I was taught that abuse can come from multiple abusers in multiple forms.

Sadly, we were told that no one person can eliminate all abuse in this world, but everyone can help reduce the risk of abuse by doing everything they can to look out for those who may be enduring abuse.

The right kind of training and leadership can make a difference in this world.

It is said that child abuse is a leading cause to crime. No wonder someone said, “It is better to build good boys and girls, than to wait and repair broken men and women.”

We must try to reach them, protect them, and help them when they are young.

It has been the theme of my ministry and work for the last 40 years.

It is said that child abuse can lead to juvenile delinquency, mental issues, violence, domestic issues, and bullying.

Child abuse may be the way into someone’s life but all the other issues are the result. If child abuse is the seed, the harvest can be a variety, and a majority of the time those things are not good.

Good news is that with the help of God and others, no one has to be a prisoner of their past.

That’s why the leaders of the fight against child abuse say, “If you see something, say something!”

One of the fruits of child abuse is said to be bullying. One of the definitions of bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior.

It usually occurs when there is an unbalance of power.

Bullying can be verbal, social, or physical. Bullying is not limited to children. Bullying can happen at any age, any relationship, any situation where there is an unbalance of power.

Bullying can happen in person, in groups, or it can happen online.

The whole goal is to isolate someone because of some difference that the bully does not like or agree should be allowed.

New forms of bullying can come through cyber or gaming bullying.

I was taught that bullying can lead to health problems, early deaths, suicide, withdrawal and depression.

A person is made to feel left out, or not being allowed into what others are a part of in the group.

No bullying can be successful without three parts being involved in it.

Number one, the bully; number two, the person being bullied; and number three, the people who watch it happen and choose to do nothing.

One out five people will join in on the bullying, but four out of five will not join in — but neither will they say or do anything to stop it.

The goal of all bullies it to keep it as much as a secret as possible so they can continue to do it without interference.

I personally believe that most people want to do the right thing but never offer support or help to turn it around.

For example, try saying, “Come over and sit at my table with me.”

The first step to ending bullying is to recognize it.

Bullying is recognized by unexplained actions of the bullied and the bully.

All bullies end up bullied themselves. It’s just a never-ending cycle of bullying.

If you are unique in any way and there is an unbalance of power, where unexplained nonsense things are happening to you or yours, that could be bullying.

Did you see the news of a mixed family, a white and black couple, that got an appraisal of their house?

For some reason the house was appraised for $100,000+ less than that they thought it would be appraised at.

So, they moved all their pictures of their family and only put the white members of the family’s pictures up.

Amazingly, it got appraised by the same group months later, and it appraised for $100,000+ more with no other changes or improvements.

I think maybe that was financial bullying.

Did you see in the news a city talked about hiring a police chief?

Normally, they have hired from within the police force for decades, as a policy and practice, until the best person inside was unique and looked different from other members.

Now, inexplicably, they feel they must go to the outside.

Is that bullying?

I don’t know.

Again, I don’t know all the ins or outs, but it definitely looks suspicious.

I was taught if you see something, say something.


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