
Halloween is coming to a community near you

Many local communities will celebrate Halloween this weekend, holding trick or treat and other holiday activities a few days early so that children won’t have to be out and wound up on a school night.

Belmont is one of those communities holding trick or treat on Saturday, Oct. 26, along with a costume contest beforehand and a Fun Night afterward at the Belmont gym on Brown Street.

I am looking forward to seeing all the little ghosts and goblins who stop by. I believe I am ready for them. I have bags of candy on hand, and my husband, Mike, and I set about preparing our lawn last weekend. We decorated with some vinyl “tombstones” that feature amusing phrases and are mounted on yard stakes. Scattered among them and around the porch are similar black cats with glowing yellow eyes.

I chose that theme because we actually have a fluffy black cat who will no doubt be by my side as I had out treats. I thought his presence among the lawn decorations might cause a fun little surprise for those who think he’s just another prop.

Also helping me to distribute treats this year will be my brother, Larry Compston, and my nieces Zadie and Tessa.

The girls will be visiting on Saturday, and their parents thought it would be nice for them to see trick or treat from another perspective, since they have their own treat-gathering outing planned in their hometown.

I’m excited about all the fun we will have admiring creative costumes and chatting with the children and parents who visit.

Because of all the activity and excitement that will be taking place, I would like to remind area residents to slow down and use extreme caution if driving in an area where children will be going from door to door. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye when children are distracted by a fun activity, so if you’re driving during trick or treat, don’t blink.

To everyone else, I hope you enjoy the festivities as much as I expect to. And don’t forget to turn on your porch light.


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