
Looking back and forward as another year arrives

Here we are again, looking in the rearview mirror at another year gone by.

2024 provided quite a ride for people in Eastern Ohio and all around the world. We shared some of those experiences with some of our global neighbors, but some of those experiences were unique to our region.

Locally, the year began with our congressman, Bill Johnson, stepping away from that job to become the president of Youngstown State University. That set in motion a series of events that included a special election to determine who would complete his term.

As the weather began to warm, it also began to rain. Before we knew it, the Ohio River had exceeded its banks and rose perilously close to the Austin Master frack waste processing facility, where it was alleged that the company had violated its permit and had much more radioactive and toxic material on site than it should have.

The summer months brought political campaigning with the November presidential and general election in mind. President Joe Biden ultimately stepped aside as a candidate, allowing Vice President Kamala Harris to make a run against former, and now future, President Donald Trump.

Locally, even though few races were contested, several new county officials were elected as officials such as sheriffs decided to retire.

The autumn months brought students back to school and football teams to the gridiron. A few of them made valiant efforts that took them close to state championship bids.

As the holidays neared, individuals, businesses and organizations made charitable efforts that ranged from offering free meals, to collecting toys for needy children.

Now, we are ready to turn the corner again and step away from 2024 and into 2025. We really don’t know what the coming year will hold, but we can anticipate that it will all come to pass in what later will feel like the blink of an eye.

So, I urge you to make the most of the final days of 2024 and to embrace the coming days pf 2025.

I wish each and every one of you a happy New Year!


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