
Chasing away winter’s chill by caring for others

It’s been quite awhile since our region experienced so much January snowfall. I, for one, didn’t mind that particular drought.

The continuous rounds of snow that we have experienced over the last week or so haven’t been unbearable, but they have certainly created some inconveniences. In addition to the usual traffic issues that result when the white stuff flies, the nearly constant precipitation has made it difficult to keep up with sidewalks, outdoor steps and street clearing.

On top of keeping me and my husband, Mike, somewhat preoccupied with maintaining clear paths to our home, the slippery conditions have sent each of us skating across the lawn a time or two. While we didn’t actually fall like he did during an earlier round of icy rainfall, those skids left us both feeling twisted and sore and a bit leery of even stepping out the door.

These wintry conditions also cause me to worry about my neighbors, especially those who are several years older than we are, when I don’t see them out and about. Do they have everything they need? Did they, perhaps, slip and fall? Are they able to get their vehicles out and clear paths to their own homes?

I certainly hope they all know that they can call on me if there is something they need.

With the Ohio Valley being the close-knit community that it is, I’m sure that I don’t need to remind readers to check on their neighbors and family members at times like these. But, if you have been distracted and haven’t thought to do just that, then now is the time.

Thank goodness we have organizations such as Belmont County Senior Services and the CARES program, which deliver meals to older residents and offer connections to resources, respectively. It’s comforting to know that my in-laws are getting a daily visit from a friendly person with warm meals for them to enjoy.

If you happen to be a person who needs someone to check on you, rather than the other way around, reach out to those groups. Or, call me at 740-633-1131, ext. 731, and I’ll help you connect with them.

Just because we are in the depths of winter doesn’t mean we should leave anybody out in the cold.


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