Let a new pet steal your heart; wishing a colleague well
Valentine’s Day is approaching, and that means love is in the air. What better way to be a part of that trend than to find yourself a furry friend to love?
I have had a variety of pets over the years. From hamsters to snakes and salamanders when I was small to a couple of dogs and numerous cats as I got older, I have been fortunate enough to care for and share my life with several different animals.
On Feb. 8, Belmont County Cat Stray Shun and the county animal shelter will host an event at the Ohio Valley Mall where people can meet and share some love with some of the dogs and cats housed at the facility. They will also be available for adoption. Maybe if you stop by, you will find a pet who could be the perfect fit for your life.
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On Friday, we at The Times Leader, the Wheeling Newspapers and the Steubenville Herald-Star and Weirton Daily Times celebrated the career of Pam Bennett, our longtime advertising director, as she stepped away from the workplace and into retirement.
Pam and I worked together for many years. We puzzled over problems together and shed a few tears here and there over frustrations, both personal and professional. Pam was always there to lend me a hand or an ear when I needed either.
Most of all, though, we laughed together. Through all sorts of situations, we were able to find the humor in whatever was going on — and Pam has a big laugh that is infectious if you aren’t feeling the humor on your own.
I won’t pretend to know all of Pam’s accomplishments or all the details of how she worked her way to the top of her department. She was already well established at the papers when I was a cub reporter, so I only witnessed perhaps the last half or so of her career.
What I do know, however, is that she will be missed.
Best of luck, Pam, as you embark on your next chapter! And don’t forget that you can visit us anytime!