
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to news that Cumberland Trail firefighters have some new tools in their arsenal to help save people’s lives. They recently trained on using new suits to rescue individuals from icy water.

JEERS to the fact that St. Clairsville officials feel they needed to be better prepared to deal with recent winter weather. But CHEERS to them for planning to make a plan for future events.

CHEERS to Barnesville High School and other facilities that opened their doors to community members during extended power outages resulting from winter weather.

JEERS to rising prices of just about everything. Inflation has increased the cost of gasoline, groceries, and all sorts of goods and services here at home and across the nation.

CHEERS to officials with Harrison Coal and Reclamation Park and with the Military History Preservation Group for working together to try and improve their facilities and presence in the region.

CHEERS to St. Clairsville officials for offering innovative and interesting programming for kids and seniors at the recreation center.


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