
Act on Ohio SB 356

Ohio parents have enough on their minds as children start back to school. Whether an outdated requirement imposed by Columbus is going to keep their children from having the educational resources they need should not be one of those worries.

To that end, state Senate Bill 356, sponsored by state Sen. Andrew Brenner, R-Dist. 19, is meant to amend the code “regarding children experiencing developmental delays and state funding for districts and schools educating them.”

It would increase the maximum age for children to be diagnosed as needing special education services from less than 6 to less than 10.

“Unfortunately, (some) children were diagnosed, you know, age seven, eight, nine and even, you know, 10 years old,” Brenner told News5Cleveland. “And then they could not get the services, they were cut off from the funding that was available coming through the feds for these disability services.”

Brenner called this a “no-brainer” type of bill, and he’s right. It seems absurd lawmakers haven’t already made the change. But, as one parent pointed out, the matter must be resolved “well and quickly.”.

COVID and other challenges have already put too many Ohio kids behind when it comes to their education and development. Lawmakers must not become the reason some face an even tougher challenge during yet another school year.


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