
Students count on you

With the school year in full swing, drivers must pay attention again on school bus routes and in school zones. Law enforcement agencies are trying to stay ahead of the curve by reminding residents of the rules.

All traffic approaching a stopped school bus from either direction must stop at least 10 feet from the front or back of the bus. Those vehicles must remain stopped until the stop sign is pulled in, the bus begins to move or the bus driver signals other drivers to proceed.

Remember, we’re talking about children who are depending on you to keep an eye out as they dart in front of the bus and across the street on their way home. They are not always thinking it is their responsibility to move safely.

Certainly in school zones the danger is just as great. Crossing guards are doing their best, but it is again up to drivers to obey the speed limits and keep their eyes open — stopping when necessary.

All of this means drivers must avoid distractions. They should be doing so at all times, anyway; but it is even more important as our kids head back to school and are relying on us to be paying attention as they go to and from.

Keep the school year going on the right foot and watch for buses and students. They’re counting on you.


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