
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to word that the village of Belmont has funds available to take initial steps toward demolition of its former school building. The landmark is loved by many, but it is beyond repair.

JEERS to news that hospitals across the nation need to require masks because of the prevalence of respiratory infections such as COVID, RSV and the flu.

CHEERS to Belmont County sheriff’s detectives for uncovering about $500,000 in antique coins that had been stolen from a central Ohio collection as a result of a recent traffic stop.

JEERS to the fact that more and more addiction treatment centers are needed across our region. Although most people know how dangerous substances such as opioids can be, many people still turn to them.

CHEERS to Senior Services of Belmont County, Belmont Metropolitan Housing Authority and Redwood Veterinary Hospital for providing affordable vaccinations for residents’ pets.

CHEERS to Jacob Hershberger for taking the reins as mayor of Barnesville. Council members and the community welcomed him with open arms during the first council meeting of 2024.

CHEERS to Harrison County Sheriff Ronald Myers for his appointment to the Ohio Multi-Agency Radio Communication System Steering Committee.


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