
Preserve local control

Some Ohio lawmakers need to consider their actions, as they continue to show they are uninterested in allowing families, doctors, schools, or even local governments to make their own decisions. In their most recent override of one of Gov. Mike DeWine’s vetoes, legislators stopped local governments from being able to regulate tobacco in their own communities.

DeWine had rightly criticized the Home Rule-violating measure, pointing out it helps the tobacco companies and keeps communities from deciding how they want to protect their kids.

So why in the world would lawmakers want to take away communities’ ability to restrict tobacco products targeting kids?

Money. Restricting sales would affect state income, lawmakers say.

“Taking local control away from the people who are trying to improve public health is a big mistake,” Leo Almeida, government relations director for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, said.

What happened to allowing Ohioans to determine their own future? Ohio has historically been a state that valued local control; the General Assembly’s actions as of late are showing otherwise. Taking control out of local communities and centralizing it in Columbus is not how you grow the Buckeye State.


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