
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to the Barnesville, St. Clairsville and Martins Ferry cheerleading squads for their accomplishments at the local, state and national levels. The three teams were honored by Belmont County commissioners.

JEERS to the apparent lack of communication by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to the city of Martins Ferry regarding Austin Master Services.

CHEERS to the Ohio Valley Photography Club for its display at the Belmont County Heritage Museum and for taking part in St. Clairsville’s downtown Art Walk, held Thursday.

JEERS to news that carbon monoxide sent four people to hospitals from the Harrison County home near Bowerston. The situation should remind us all to use alternate fuel sources with extreme care.

CHEERS to the graduates who were celebrated at Belmont College last week. Numerous area residents received associate degrees or certificates that will help them launch their careers.

CHEERS to everyone who plans to participate in the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend activities, scheduled for May 25-26 in downtown Wheeling. Run, walk or come out to cheer on those who do.

CHEERS to Darby Copeland for accepting a position on the Belmont County Board of Health. And CHEERS to his predecessor, Irene Louda, for many years of service.


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