
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to the Bridgeport Police Department for being recognized for excellence in law enforcement policy management by Lexipol.

JEERS to the fact that dangerous waste from oil and gas drilling and fracking operations remains piled up beyond permitted limits at the Austin Master Services waste processing facility in Martins Ferry.

CHEERS to Richard “Chad” Balwanz of Glencoe, a U.S. Army veteran who will serve as the featured speaker at a Memorial Day service set for 11 a.m. Monday at Bellaire’s Union Square, aka the city park.

JEERS to word that the village of Mingo Junction collected about $2.5 million in income taxes from residents through a levy that was allowed to expire. Taxpayers deserve to be reimbursed or credited.

CHEERS to Angela Feenerty and other area residents for forming a new Abigail Flanners Questers chapter based in Mt. Pleasant. The history lovers will work to understand and preserve our local heritage.

CHEERS to The Council of Churches Food Pantry and St. Clairsville Rotary Club for teaming up to install a new Blessings Box near the city’s utility payment window. Take what you need, leave what you can.

CHEERS to everyone who has registered for events during the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend this coming Saturday and Sunday.


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