
Improving education

It takes partners from all sectors to provide our children with educations that go beyond the reading, writing and arithmetic we expect. The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio and the Longaberger Family Foundation are providing more than $35,000 in funding awards for counties across Eastern Ohio to do just that.

“We have long shared FAO’s commitment to the children of Appalachia and to ensuring the well-being of our communities,” said Matt Kaido, Longaberger Family Foundation representative. “With this funding, we are not only equipping the youth of Appalachian Ohio with educational opportunities that often go unfunded but also empowering them to grow their community engagement, both today and in the future.”

While none of the grants will go to benefit programs in our immediate area, the funding will support a number of initiatives that are based nearby, in locations such as Washington and Noble counties.

“These grants will teach children throughout Appalachian Ohio how to become informed and engaged community members,” said Cara Dingus Brook, FAO president and CEO. “We’re incredibly grateful for our continued partnership with the Longaberger Family Foundation, who shares our goal of ensuring our children and our communities flourish.”

Our communities will, indeed, be better for the effort.


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