
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to the remaining members of the Greatest Generation who marked 80 years Thursday since they stormed the shores of Normandy and began their work to end World War II.

JEERS to the fact that someone — or several someones — is causing damage to the fixtures and facilities at Martins Ferry’s City Park.

CHEERS to U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown and J.D. Vance for backing Gov. Mike DeWine’s call for President Joe Biden to declare a weather-related disaster in eight eastern Ohio counties, including Belmont, Jefferson and Monroe.

JEERS to news that the long-awaited Barnesville Rails to Trails and Tunnel project will be delayed again after bids for the work came in significantly over estimates. The scope of the work may be limited as a result.

CHEERS to all the local students named anti-bullying award winners by Bordas & Bordas, Their kind and caring attitudes make a difference in the schools and their communities.

CHEERS to the St. Clairsville Moose Lodge 2504 for donating more than $8,000 to the Friends of Belmont County Juvenile Court and Tri-County Help Center. The money will go to support programs for children.

CHEERS to Belmont County commissioners and the Upper Ohio Valley Walk to End Alzheimer’s for raising awareness of the disease this month.


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