
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to the Belmont County Sheriff’s Department and JB Green Team for continuing their cooperative arrangement that makes it possible for a deputy to focus on litter and illegal dumping.

JEERS to the fact that Belmont County has a need for a deputy to focus on litter and illegal dumping. It’s not hard to dispose of trash properly.

CHEERS to Bridgeport Exempted Village Schools for securing a $13,8 million grant to expand its facilities and provide health, career and wellness services to students, staff and the community as a whole.

JEERS to news that a large drug trafficking ring has been operating in the Ohio Valley on both sides of the Ohio Riiver, resulting in 26 federal indictments. A handful of Ohio residents are among the accused.

CHEERS to the return of The Daily Bread Center’s Salad Luncheon fundraiser. The event was always well attended and enjoyed before it went on hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CHEERS to news that the Loop Festival will return to Shadyside’s Central Avenue today and Saturday, providing fun, food and entertainment for are residents of all ages.

CHEERS to news that the osprey is deemed a success story in Ohio, A mating pair in Yorkville is one example of the bird thriving after conservation efforts.


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