
Don’t overlook June 11 election

It’s an easy one to miss, given all the attention to the upcoming November general election, but for Eastern Ohio residents, there is an important election for which early voting is underway.

Tuesday is the vote to fill the Sixth Congressional District vacancy left by Bill Johnson’s resignation. For residents of Washington, Noble, Monroe, Belmont, Harrison, Jefferson, Carroll, Tuscarawas, Stark and Columbiana counties, this is the general election between the two candidates chosen in the March 19 primary — state Sen. Michael Rulli, R-Salem, and Michael Kripchak, a Democrat from Youngstown.

The June 11 vote is to determine who will fill the rest of Johnson’s unexpired term. Meanwhile, both candidates will also be on the ballot in November, to serve a full two-year term that starts in January. The winner on Tuesday will be an incumbent of sorts in November.

Early voting continues today and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday from 1-5 p.m. On Tuesday, vote at your polling location between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. If you aren’t sure of your polling location, check here: https://www.boe.ohio.gov/washington/precinct-and-polling-location-info/

Local voters know how important Johnson’s representation of us was in Washington, D.C. For us, the votes cast Tuesday and in November on this race may be every bit as important as the big one the whole country is watching.

Do not let those votes be decided by a minuscule percentage of district residents. Do not let this crucial choice be made without your voice.


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