
Ohio must do better for schools

It’s possible to look at data from the most recent Anne E. Casey Foundation Kids Count Data Book and think Ohio’s schools are doing a pretty good job, compared with the rest of the country. But despite a higher percentage of Buckeye State eighth-graders being proficient in math than the national average, the figures are pretty grim.

Based on 2022 testing, 71% of Ohio eighth-graders are not proficient in math — MUCH worse than the 62% determined not to be proficient in 2019. (The national average is 74% of eighth-graders who are not proficient in math.)

Meanwhile, 65% of Ohio fourth-graders were not proficient in reading in 2022 — slightly worse than in 2019, but better than the 68% nationwide.

Just a touch better than pathetic is nothing to brag about; and the fact that we are headed in the wrong direction should have educators scrambling.

It seems unlikely creation of another commission within our dysfunctional state education system will make much difference. But, according to the Ohio Capital Journal, lawmakers’ answer is adding such a layer. Ohio House Bill 352 would create an Adverse Childhood Experiences Study Commission that would recommend legislative strategies to the General Assembly.

Instead, perhaps the folks in Columbus could prioritize ways to diversify and expand the economy; provide training for those in job transition; work on affordable, accessible housing and health care; properly and fairly funding education … and otherwise get out of teachers’ way.

Yes, our schools must do a better job for students. And Ohio must do a better job for its schools.


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