
Firefighters need support

As is happening in many industries, all over the state, Ohio’s fire departments are facing staffing shortages — and those who are working are getting older. The state fire marshal’s office says most of those staffing volunteer fire departments (and the majority of the departments in the Buckeye State are volunteer) are over 50.

It is encouraging, then, to know last week 19 cadets graduated from the Ohio Fire Academy and are ready to get out and fill some of those gaps.

According to a report by WSYX, the smaller townships relying on volunteer fire departments are facing the greatest challenges. That’s not just a staffing problem, that’s a public safety problem.

That means the 19 who graduated most recently from the fire academy will make a difference, yes, but there must be many more to follow in their footsteps.

“It means we’re adding young people into jobs that are out there. It means new beginnings for them. It means freshly trained people for fire departments they’re going to be serving in — so it has a lot of meaning,” said Ohio State Fire Marshal Kevin Reardon, according to WSYX.

But as Reardon and his team come up with ideas for easing the shortages, there must also be young people interested in doing this work.

Fire departments stretched to their limits must be confident lawmakers and public officials understand they need support — perhaps including help with recruiting efforts. Communities must send the message that those who serve in fire departments (volunteer or otherwise) are appreciated and very much needed.


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