
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to Hazel Koveleskie, a 9-year-old Barnesville girl who started Hazel’s Heroes — a club that provides treats and cheer to veterans and first responders.

JEERS to word that illnesses among workers during the East Palestine train derailment were hidden from the public.

CHEERS to Kirke and Judie Porterfield for their 32 successful years running Kirke’s Homemade Ice Cream in St. Clairsville.

JEERS to another bump in the road for the Bohandy Building in Barnesville. While the village wants to sell the property, the path forward is unclear.

CHEERS to Dr. Renalto Dela Cruz for his 15 years as a Belmont County Board of Health member and his decision to become the medical director and health commissioner for the department.

CHEERS to everyone who participated in Bethlehem Apostolic Temple’s “stuff the bus” event to gather school supplies to be given to local children.

CHEERS to the South Central Power Foundation for providing funding that will help WVU Medicine Barnesville and Harrison Community hospitals obtain new equipment.


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