
Cast your vote today

Much has been said, written and talked about during the past several months — make that the past several years — about how important this year’s general election will be.

There have been rallies, debates, forums, motorcades and discussions — most civil, many, sadly, not — about the candidates and issues voters are being asked to decide on.

We’ve seen voter registration drives and get-out-the-vote campaigns that have made appeals to many different segments of our society, and savage campaigns — to the point of generating disgust, not talk — spread across traditional and social media platforms.

Now, it all comes down to one very simple act — casting your vote.

Many residents across the area already have done that, as early voting totals across the region indicate. Many more will be heading to their precinct polling places today, the traditional Election Day. Polls in Ohio and West Virginia will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

And, while much of the discussion has been focused on the presidential race between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, it’s important to pause and remember that there are many local races that will have a direct impact on the lives of everyone who lives in the region.

Voters in Belmont County, for instance, will see a contested race for county coroner.

Ohio voters also will find contested races for U.S. senator, a member of the House of Representatives, a member of the state Senate and state Supreme Court justices. There’s a proposed amendment to the state constitution, and, depending on where you live in the county, it’s likely you’ll be asked to decide the fate of levies and tax issues.

Choosing a president is important, but it’s also critical that area residents have a say in who will most directly represent them and how the money they pay in taxes will be spent. There’s no excuse for any registered voter to sit this election out.

Today is the day.



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