
Cheers & Jeers

CHEERS to all who hosted events, set up decorations and handed out candy to children in celebration of Halloween. It’s a fun time of year for kids and adults alike.

JEERS to ongoing drought conditions that have left about half of the country extremely dry. Here’s hoping that Mother Nature has a plan to rehydrate our region and other dry areas before spring.

CHEERS to all of the candidates seeking political offices in the upcoming Nov. 5 election. It is everyone’s right and responsibility to vote, but someone has to actually serve in those elected positions.

JEERS to word that Union Local Elementary School had to be closed Wednesday due to the presence of a strong odor in the building. But CHEERS to officials for taking steps to keep staff and students safe.

CHEERS to Vietnam veteran Terry Wildman and his colleagues at Martins Ferry American Legion Post 38, who organize an annual service and meal for military veterans to mark Veterans Day.

CHEERS to Shadyside residents for knowing how to behave even when they have the opportunity to cut loose and celebrate. Council member praised them for following the rules on alcohol during a recent fundraiser.

CHEERS to John O. Costine who celebrated his 100th birthday earlier this month. The St. Clairsville resident still goes to work at his law office every day.


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