
Helping Those in Need

One of the most joyful tasks we have each year is with helping — and chronicling — the efforts of the Bishop Darrell Cummings as he works to improve life in our community on both sides of the Ohio River.

The latest such example came Saturday when the Bishop, dozens of community members and others came together to ensure about 200 local families from Belmont, Ohio and Marshall counties had a happy Thanksgiving.

Cummings, pastor of Bethlehem Apostolic Temple in North Wheeling and the bishop of Port Elizabeth in South Africa, on Saturday helped spread holiday cheer to more than 700 people. His Thanksgiving giveaway included food, clothes, supplies and much more for those in need.

This is just another step in Cummings’ mission to be a beacon of light for our region. Each year, he feeds the hungry and needy with food giveaways at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas; he and his staff and a team of volunteers and donors get kids ready for school with his back-to-school events; and the North Wheeling Dream Center serves as a community hub for students to get help with everything from homework to internet access.

Cummings is always quick to deflect praise, instead giving credit to those in the community who help him. But today, bishop, we simply join with the community to say “Thank you.”

There are not enough people like you in the world, and our community is so much better off due to your efforts.


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