
Opportunity for Husted

In choosing Lt. Gov. Jon Husted to fill Vice President JD Vance’s former seat in the U.S. Senate, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is sending a person with some important assets to Washington, D.C.

Husted, who was sworn in to his new position Tuesday, is a politically savvy, long-time public official who understands Ohio in a way some other candidates for the post do not.

“I have worked with him, I have seen him, I know his knowledge of Ohio,” DeWine said. “I know his heart. I know what he cares about. I know his skills. And all of that tells me that he is the right person for this job.”

With a reputation for being willing to work across the aisle and a willingness to face the fire of campaigns in both 2026 and possibly 2028, Husted stood out. But he will have to overcome concerns about what Democrats have labeled his “penchant for corruption and scandal,” if he is to truly serve Ohioans in the U.S. Senate.

If he is able to rise above and put that kind of talk behind him, Husted must be determined to roll up his sleeves and get to work in what promises to be a challenging atmosphere for those who understand the importance of bipartisan efforts.

“My time here at the Statehouse has been a true joy, but representing Ohio in the U.S. Senate is an amazing opportunity,” Husted said when DeWine appointed him.

There is nothing imaginary about the responsibility Husted says he is willing to bear. But if he is able to work with all of his Senate colleagues for the benefit of ALL Ohioans and Americans, he will be embracing an amazing opportunity, indeed.


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