Federal ID deadline nearing
It seems like a lifetime ago — back in 2005, as a response to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Congress passed the Real ID Act. At the time, the idea was to have the program implemented by 2008, but opposition and other delays pushed the timeline.
Most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic extended the deadline for individuals getting identification documents that satisfy Real ID Act standards.
But now, the agreed-upon deadline is approaching rapidly. It is a mere three months away.
Across the country, states are urging residents who have not already done so to collect the proper documents and get that “gold star” driver’s license.
Ohio’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles suggests those whose IDs do not expire until after May 7 should consider renewing early.
Buckeye State residents who want to learn more about what is required and what to expect can check here: bmv.ohio.gov/dl-real-id.aspx.
Consequences for failing to get a Real ID include not being able to get on an airplane — yes, even for domestic flights, and not being able to enter some federal facilities.
Check your wallets, folks. If your ID does not have a star on it, or if it explicitly says “Not for federal ID,” it’s time to get a new one.
Don’t wait until May to do it. (If you think lines are long now, imagine what it will be like about May 5 or 6). Do yourselves, and those working on the other side of the counter, a favor and get this done, now.