
War Crimes

Dear Editor,

The recent release of Wikileaks, of more Iraq War atrocities clearly demonstrates the compelling need for war crime trials against the major purveyors of that horrible Iraq War. Brought to trial for Iraq War crimes should include at a minimum, President, George W. Bush; Vice President, Richard Chaney; Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld; Assistant Secretaries of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and Richard Pearl, and Frederick Kagan of the American Enterprise Institute.

Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks on the United States. But just look at what our arrogant war in Iraq led us to do.

Over at least 100,000 civilian deaths. (A death count according to Iraq Body Count, the Associated Press, Iraq Family Health Survey, and Wikileaks logs, as well as a count of well over 600,000 according to Lancet, the Journal of British Medicine.)

Over 300,000 maimed Iraq Civilians.

Over two million dispossessed Iraq civilians. (A comparable amount in the United States would be over 30 million.)

Over 5,000 dead Americans (including military, CIA, press, and contractors).

Over 30,000 maimed Americans.

Our permanently damaged soul. (Just remember: looting of the Iraqi national heritage, Abu Ghraib, Quantanamo, water boarding, secret renditions, ruthless torture, billions of dollars of Iraqi property and infrastructure damage, among our other basic human rights and values’ violations.

Over one trillion (so far) added to our national debt.

These facts just outline some of the horror resulting from our violation of International and American law and values of our hubris.

Think of the harmed multitude as individual human beings having families: mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, friends and neighbors.

A black mark on America’s human rights soul is the final result in the Iraq War, a black mark that can never be erased.

War crime trials is the only way to get our conscience back. (If we had tried Johnson, Nixon, McNamara, and Kissinger, for our Viet Nam/Cambodia War crimes, we never would have dared attack Iraq using that phony WMD rational).

The truth, as brought by legal justice, shall set us free, and restore our conscience.

I have urged President Obama and Attorney General Holder to bring “war crime” indictments for the crimes set forth herein against President George W. Bush, and the others listed above in order to begin to cleanse our national soul.

Thank you.

Very truly yours,

Bill Bryant,

Citizen of the

United States

St. Clairsville


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