
Split: A nation, its people, are divided

Dear Editor:

Once again I write a letter on behalf of our nation, people and children. Once again I ask that aged and timeless question, “Why can’t the people, the politicians, and the leaders of this world live in harmony?”

Even now there are men and women out there reading this letter saying, “What’s wrong with this guy? Can’t he see that the world is insane? Why can’t he just accept that this is the way it is and it’s never going to change? No degrees in human psychology or human behavior, just an old high school-educated country kid who grew up in a loving, God-fearing, respected home! What does he know about any of this?”

Yes, I ask this question all the time. Why should I care about my beloved country, my beloved family or my neighbors? Who really cares about all the drug overdoses and shootings and killings? All the domestic violence and abused children? After the freak show of this last election, why should I even care? Is it compassion or just simple hope or maybe just survival that allows us to get up in the morning and go function in this society? Maybe it’s the teachings of a Quaker grandmother who believed and taught us to forgive, never hate, never go to bed angry, ask for forgiveness daily and live by grace and the glory of God! Always, but always, be kind to others and share all you have. You need not be a scholar or have degrees to understand. Anyone can participate — white, black, yellow or red. All you have to have is a loving and caring heart and open mind and be teachable.

This past May 4 was National Prayer Day. Been doing this for 65 years. Can you see that someone else besides me can see hope for this nation? My only question is why only one day a year? Why can’t we pray all the time, every day, every moment? My day is never complete, never finished until I ask for grace, ask for mercy, and ask for guidance daily. This is my foundation from the start. This was our nation’s foundation from the start, and somewhere over the many years of fast living and taking things for granted we have lost the simple task of asking a loving and caring God for the simple things in life.

The Lord’s Prayer says it all for us — Protect from evil, for Thine is the Power and the Glory forever and ever! Amen.

I cannot change you, but you can change you. Say the Lord’s Prayer daily, even if you don’t want to, and we will watch and see what happens.

God Bless America,

Rich Lucas



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