
Words of a warrior

Dear Editor,

I am a United States Army Warrior. I will fight for freedom with honor, diligence and valor.

I so love my country that I will fight or die for it, anywhere, anytime. I love America with all my being.

Should I be injured, I will accept that. If I die, I will hope my loved ones won’t mourn too long for I go to war willingly. I will volunteer for war because too many men are afraid to sacrifice themselves.

I, too, am afraid for I don’t know what to expect, but once there my fear will pass quickly, and I will do the job I was trained for by the best cadre and training the U.S. Army has.

I will pray when I feel trepidation, fear. I will pray to God for guidance and strength and peace of mind.

I will steel myself to fight bravely, always watching over my fellow warriors.

I will pray my government will stand behind me and offer verbal and written statements that we are one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. No matter where.

I am a United States of America warrior so help me God. I will salute my flag with pride and love. I will remember all the fallen warriors who have preceded me and those who will fall, long after I am gone, God bless them all.

I will salute and thank all men and women in uniform. I will serve God, and country until I am not needed anymore.

I will shake hands of all who have served my country willingly. I will salute my flag with pride and love. I will never forget all the fallen warriors who have preceded me and will fall long after I’m gone.

I will shake the hands of those leaving for war for they may not return. I will tear up when I see the graves and plagues of our fallen men and women in cemeteries both at home and abroad. They have all served well and now dwell in God’s kingdom.

I am proud that we are ready to fight for justice where needed.

Yes, at times I will be scared, but a scared warrior still does his/her job with determination. I will shake the hands of those leaving for war for they may not return or return injured. Yes, I am an American U.S. Army warrior.

God bless America.

Michael P. McDermott

1969 Disabled

Vietnam Veteran



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