

Dear Editor,

In my 9/23/2009 letter to President Obama, I quoted James Madison, Father of our Constitution, to wit: “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

As delineated in the Declaration of Independence, the United States was sanctioned by the Supreme Judge of the world (Jn 5:22, Mt 21:43, RSV) as a Constitutional Republic under the Triune God as the source of our life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (i.e., to cultivate virtue and accrue private property).

In nine letters to President Biden, I reminded him of the significance of this fact but he continues to proclaim Democracy as our founding reality.

The French Revolution is the classic example of the failure of a secular democracy which is always against the Constitutional Republic sanctioned by the Supreme Judge of the world. Furthermore, it devolved into an authoritarian government and a devastating war in Russia.

Today, Democracy is used by an Elite as an incantation invoking a magic spell to provoke a mob’s violent opposition to our Constitutional Republic under the Triune God.

In 2009, on his way to being inaugurated, President-elect Obama stood on the steps of Constitutional Hall and called for a new Declaration of Independence echoing his mentor Stalinist Frank Marshall Davis’ call on July 4, 1946 for a new Declaration of Independence in his newspaper, The Chicago Star.

Now, 247 years later, we approach July 4, 2024 in perilous, tumultuous times.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “You have a Republic if you can keep it.” God help us.-Isa 9:6-7, 50:6-11, Jn 16:33, 19:1-19, 30, Lk 23:46

William Yavelak



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