
Looking Ahead

Dear Editor,

I turned 87 last week, and my wife of 64 years will turn 87 in six weeks. I wish to share what I am looking forward to with my Republican friends:

∫ President Biden’s reelection.

∫ Donald Trump’s sentence to prison for 34 felonies.

∫ The Democrat’s winning both the Senate and House of Representatives.

∫ Expansion of the U.S. Supreme Court from nine to thirteen members.

∫ A Code of Ethics for the Supreme Court.

∫ More Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI).

∫ End of wars in Gaza and the Ukraine.

∫ Two state solution for both the Israelis and Palastineans.

∫ A great effort to get rid of carbon and a great effort to save the planet from global warming.

* The Holidays.

Bill Bryant

St. Clairsville


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