
Medal of Honor, V. 2

Dear Editor,

Last Sunday’s letter titled “Medal of Honor” needs to be cleaned up a little.

I understood what President Trump meant when he commented about the “Medal of Freedom Award” for civilians and what he has said in the past about the “Medal of Honor Award for the military being the ULTIMATE AWARD.

He has always supported the Military and Law Enforcement.

All he meant was that it is better to receive an award while still alive than to receive it posthumously after your dead?

He was NOT comparing the two with the “Medal of Freedom” being better than the “Medal of Honor.”

Could he have been clearer and explained it better, OBVIOUSLY as the hate media and the Trump haters couldn’t wait to jump on it to humiliate and degrade him so others would do so too.

It appears to have worked.

Funny isn’t it, that if anyone else says something that may be questionable, no problem, they just misspoke, but if Trump says anything, he’s a liar, disrespectful, lacks character and is just asinine to name a few.

It’s a shame what the News Media stations have become. They’re like vultures ready to pick, at everything, and I don’t trust them to be accurate or completely HONEST at all anymore.

Even when you Google you get mostly opinions.

Hang on, it’s only going to get worse!!

John Bradac

St. Clairsville


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