Parents gain control
Dear Editor,
These children are acting so badly these days shooting so many innocent people. It’s heartbreaking. Children can’t even go to school with fellow classmates without taking a chance of being shot. Some people can’t go to church, to the store, sit on their own porch. Let’s face it. This country has really gotten bad. Don’t these parents talk to their children, or pay attention to them any more? What happened to family values? Is it the drugs? Whatever it is, Parents, Get Control of your children! If you notice something going on with them,get them help, before they hurt or kill someone. Never buy them weapons. Georgia State has the right idea, make the parent pay for buying the gun. If you buy guns and don’t keep them secure and locked up so your children can’t get them, you are just as guilty. Please people, help make this a safer country like it used to be. Teach the younger generations how to get high on life, not drugs. It’s cheap and fun. Nobody has to get killed anymore.
Betty Luyster
New Philadelphia, Ohio