
The Egyptian Caper Revealed

Dear Editor,

It has been reported recently in the Washington Post that of the 42 individuals who had been members of President Donald J. Trump’s cabinet during his tenure in the White House that only 24 currently support his bid for reelection whereas 18 do not, which is certainly unprecedented in the annals of American politics on any level and quite disturbingly revealing as well.

Former Trump Attorney General William Barr after leaving office had said that Trump should never again be allowed to be anywhere near the Oval Office but now claims that he (Barr) will support Trump in the upcoming presidential election.

For the most part throughout his tenure as Attorney General Mr. Barr with a number of notable exceptions appeared to give then-President Trump the proverbial green light to circumvent the law.

Also it was recently revealed, as reported in the Washington Post that the National Bank of Egypt withheld $10 million in U.S. currency five days before Trump took office in 2017 and as per a federal investigation that took place in 2019 it would discover that Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah al-Sisi did indeed give Trump the aforementioned cash, which Trump had contributed to his election campaign, just prior to the Egyptian cash withdrawal.

The planned intention to investigate Trump’s bank records for what appears to have been an illegal and inappropriate transaction was blocked by Trump’s then-attorney general William Barr.

Coincidentally perhaps, or in response to the transaction, then-President Trump released $1.4 billion in military aid to Egypt and referred to el-Sisi as “my favorite dictator.”

Perhaps Congress should investigate former Attorney General Barr as well as former President Trump regarding this matter of illegal gain concern?

Such heinous crimes must be prosecuted and litigated to the full extent of the law as it disregarded and disrespected the rule of law, regardless of the positions of power they have or formerly have had, will be held accountable in our great nation for such transgressions.

Richard Hord

Martins Ferry


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