History will tell tale of Trump
Dear Editor,
Regrettably, Trump gets to return his, seemingly, one blue suit back into the White House. With far fewer checks on his power than he had before, Trump will have his team of weirdos, nutcases, sociopaths, sycophant bigots and MAGA quacks, who will kiss his ring and bestow absolute regal loyalty on herr Donald, who will demand they pursue their deranged, anti-free press drevel as much as air and print time is possible.
I am glad Trump likes golf so much. Take a Mulligan after every hole, herr Donald. That would demonstrate what a cheat you are. It would also show what your thieving pal Musk is. Are you really going to let that creep Elon decide what is good for our impoverished citizens? How much of Musk’s treasure is he willing to contribute to the poor? Are you really planning to let an unelected jerk reduce Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid?
I am looking forward to your criminal conviction sentence (handed down Friday after this letter was submitted for publication) for the “hush money” you paid to your stripper girlfriend when you were cheating on your wife.
No matter how much you may cry and cheat, Donald, there is no way to erase your prints from the history books that are being written now that will clearly reveal you led a coup of criminals to overturn a free, democratic election.
Good riddance, herr Godfather, Don.
Bill Bryant
St. Clairsville