
Who Are the Best Basketball Players in History?

The game of basketball is filled with memorable moments and career-defining performances, making it a fun, yet challenging task to identify the best players of all time. The younger generation may have a bias toward contemporary superstars, players that are currently relevant, influencing NBA picks today and other betting trends of interest.

On the other hand, the older demographic has a tendency to look back at greats like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Larry Bird. Their indelible impact on the sport makes them obligatory inclusions on many lists of all-time greats.

Using statistics to examine 10 of the greatest players of all time

Examining the statistics that differentiate the top ten NBA players of all time from their peers in their respective eras provides a closer look at their awe-inspiring legacies.

Michael Jordan has a career average of 30.1 points per game , six NBA championships, five MVP awards and ten scoring titles. Meanwhile, LeBron James is remarkable for his 27.1 points per game (PPG) career average, four NBA championships, four MVP awards and 17 All-Star selections.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has a 24.6 PPG career average, six NBA championships, six MVP awards and was the NBA’s all-time leading scorer before LeBron surpassed him earlier this season. On the other hand, Magic Johnson’s career average of 10.5 assists per game (APG), five NBA championships, three MVP awards and 19.5 PPG make him one of the most exceptional point guards.

Larry Bird has an impressive 24.3 PPG career average, three NBA championships, three MVP awards and is a member of the 50-40-90 club, for field goal, three point and free throw percentage; while Wilt Chamberlain has a 30.1 PPG career average, an awe-inspiring 100-point game, four MVP awards and two NBA championships.

Bill Russell has a career average of 15.1 PPG, 11 NBA championships, five MVP awards and status as a defensive dynamo; while Tim Duncan has a career average of 19.0 PPG, coupled with his five NBA championships, two MVP awards and earned 15 All-Defensive Team selections.

Shaquille O’Neal also had a remarkable career average of 23.7 PPG, four NBA championships, 12 All-Star selections and one MVP award. Hakeem Olajuwon, on the flip side, has a career average of 21.8 PPG, two NBA championships, one MVP award and recognition as a three-time blocks leader while averaging 9.5 defensive rebounds per game.

These statistics serve as a glimpse into the unparalleled skill, dominance and impact of the game’s giants.

Amazing athletes but also great humans

It is primarily within the parameters of achievements on the court that are weighed when discussing the best players in NBA history. Many of best basketball players also lived remarkable lives off the court. Kobe Bryant, in addition to being a prolific basketball player, was a recipient of the Academy Award for his directing. Magic Johnson’s humanitarian endeavors as a philanthropist and HIV/AIDS awareness advocate had a profound impact on the public health domain. LeBron James is also revered for his charitable contributions, most notably for his educational philanthropy.

By diving deeper into the lesser known accomplishments of basketball’s all-time greats, one can acquire a more comprehensive understanding of their influence on the game and beyond. These hidden gems provide a riveting glimpse into the diverse skills and interests of some of the most renowned athletes in history and serve as a testament to the fact that there is always more to learn and admire about basketball heroes.

To sum it up

Undoubtedly, the discussion surrounding the greatest basketball players ever is highly objective and as such, will remain an ongoing debate. One thing for certain is that these legends helped to forever transform the sport in their own unique ways.


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